The Mayville Library and its facilities are to be used for library purposes only. Conduct that interferes with that use or is inconsistent with that use is not permitted. This policy has been adopted for the comfort and protection of all who use library materials and services as well as staff members.
Conduct will not be permitted if it is disruptive, disturbing or interferes with the enjoyment and use of library patrons.
The following conduct is not permitted on library property:
- Engaging in loud, aggressive or threatening behavior, using profane or obscene language or behavior or engaging in any harassing behavior.
- Sleeping in the library or on library property.
- Having and/or consuming food or drink in the computer area.
- Using tobacco products (including e-cigarettes). The use or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs is also prohibited.
- Tampering with, altering, editing or damaging computer hardware or software.
- Defacing, misusing or stealing library materials, equipment or computer resources.
- Bringing animals, other than service animals, into the library (unless allowed by library-sponsored events).
- Committing any act that would violate State, Federal or local law, ordinance or regulation.
- Soliciting petitioning or distributing materials inside or outside of the library that have not been approved by the library.
- Cycling, skateboarding, scootering, roller skating/blading on library property except for access purposes.
Loss of Library Privileges
If a patron creates a public nuisance or violates any policy, that patron may be restricted from the library or from the use of the library facilities, on either a temporary or permanent basis. Those who are unwilling to leave, or do not do so within a reasonable amount of time after being instructed to do so by the staff may be subject to removal by the Chautauqua County Sheriff and subject to prosecution.
Any person whose library privileges have been revoked under this policy may make a written request to the Library Director (who will present the request to the Board of Directors) for a reinstatement of privileges. Reinstatement of privileges will be at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors.
Approved by the Mayville Library Board of Directors 12/17/18